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Presenting Sponsor Cake Auction Feb 2025

Presenting Sponsor Cake Auction Feb 2025
Presenting Sponsor Cake Auction Feb 2025

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Presenting Sponsor Cake Auction Feb 2025

Model Number: PresentingSponsorCakeAuctionFeb2025
Cakes for all! This is our 4th year for this great event and we enjoy seeing the community provide fun, creative cakes for auction at a home basketball game. This event brings in over 70 cakes and over $10,000 each year!

Being a Presenting Sponsor will get your name and logo in all our marketing and promotion for the event and allow you booth space at the event as well. 
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YES! I'd be happy to cover the cost of the credit card processing fee
Please add the additional $50.00 to my purchase (+$50.00 per order)
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Your Price: $500.00
A one-time price of $500.00 will be added to your order.
1 Left in Stock
  • Description

Cakes for all! This is our 5th year for this great event and we enjoy seeing the community provide fun, creative cakes for auction at a home basketball game. This event brings in over 70 cakes and over $10,000 each year!

Being a Presenting Sponsor will get your name and logo in all our marketing and promotion for the event and allow you booth space at the event as well.Â