The DCG Booster Club is committed to promoting and fostering interest in and goodwill toward all athletic activities associated with the Dallas Center-Grimes Community School District. As an all-volunteer, non-profit organization, we are dedicated to generating enthusiasm and broad support for DCG athletic programs. Our fundraising efforts include concession stand sales, merchandise sales, hosting youth tournaments, and membership drives. Over the past five years, the Booster Club has contributed more than $600,000 in support of our student athletes. A key initiative we are proud to offer is the awarding of scholarships to student athletes who demonstrate academic excellence, leadership, and a strong commitment to the DCG athletic community.

In 2025, the DCG Booster Club will award scholarships totaling up to $10,000 to outstanding candidates.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Applicants must be a senior with plans to continue their education and be in good conduct and academic standing with DCG Schools.
  • The applicant’s immediate family (parent/guardian) must have been a paid member of the Booster Club for at least one full year, including the senior year. The senior must also have participated in at least one athletic activity during their senior year for the full duration of the season. Special consideration may be given to seniors/families who have been active members (through volunteering, holding a position, etc) of the Booster Club for multiple years.
  • Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 (“B” average).

Application Requirements

Award Information

  • The scholarship recipient will be announced during Senior Awards Night.
  • The scholarship will be paid directly to the recipient’s academic institution for the second semester or second quarter of their college year, typically beginning January 1. Proof of registration for second-semester classes will be required.
  • The recipient must submit proof of second-semester enrollment to both the athletic director and Booster Club treasurer to receive the scholarship funds.

Application Details

  • Name
  • Address
  • Intended college or university
  • Have you been accepted? (Yes/No)
  • List all athletic activities you have participated in, including the years and an honors received.
  • List all school activities you have participated in, including the years.
  • List all Booster Club activities you have participated in.
  • List any extracurricular activities outside of school.
  • Briefly describe your/your family’s involvement with the DCG Booster Club.
  • In your own words, write a 200-word essay describing how your teammates and coaches would characterize your personal qualities and leadership skills.

We look forward to recognizing the achievements of our student athletes and supporting their continued success in higher education.

Go Mustangs!